
About Us Donate through Guidestart

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We have over 125 good reasons why you should support Kid's Korner Educare. To begin with, 90% of a child's brain development takes place before the child is 5 years of age. Also, information provided by the Minnesota Department of Education shows that only 50% of the children beginning Kindergarten each year are fully prepared to begin school.

With these startling statistics, it is clear the traditional concept of education beginning in kindergarten is changing and more people are realizing we must start much earlier if we truly want to capitalize on these key developmental years and empower our youngest citizens. To further assist our children, we need your help. Monetary and in-kind donations help us defer the costs to families and the donations are an investment with an incredible rate of return.

A study done by the Minneapolis Federal Reserve states, “Early childhood development programs are rarely portrayed as economic development initiatives, and we think that is a mistake.”

This study shows that for every $1 dollar invested in early childhood education, there is a return of $8 dollars back to the community. Now consider this: a $1,000.00 investment in quality early childhood education in our community, returns more than $19,000.00 in 20 years, while a stock market investment may return less than $4,000.00. Additional studies indicate the return on investment to be as high as $17.00 for every $1.00 invested. (Schweinhart, L.J., 1994). (For additional information on this study, see ).

This return is realized through lower needs for special education services, lower welfare participation, lower rates of unemployment, lower rates of crime and lower costs to crime victims. There are also higher rates of high school graduation, and higher rates of college attendance for program participants, and many other benefits.

An endeavor like this can not be done alone. As the old African proverb states, “It takes a village to raise a child.” The involvement of our community is a vital piece to making the future of our children as bright as possible. Please consider a gift and help us make the difference in the life of a child.

The rest of the “125 reasons” why you should donate: they are the names of the children enrolled at Kid's Korner Educare Center, Inc. Each individual child shows the promise to become a better steward of our community if we are able to give them the love and support they deserve. An education is one of the few things which once achieved, can never be taken away.

To make a gift, please print the attached form and send your check made to Kid's Korner Educare Center, Inc.

Thank you for your support of Kid's Korner Educare Center, Inc. Kid's Korner Educare is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation ( ) and in most situations, your donation is fully tax deductible. Additionally, we are Nationally Accredited by NAC ( ). As an Accredited program you have the assurance the highest standards of quality are being met regarding the care and early education of the young children of our community.

With 125 thanks from our children!

Dan & Jennifer Buck , Directors